

Please continue to consult our website for additional information regarding the submission of documentation to meet this requirement.


Per 状态 legislation – SB 1107, certain college students must receive a vaccination or booster against bacterial meningitis. Students will not be able to register until proof is presented of vaccination or of a booster during the five-year period prior to enrollment, and not less than 10 days before the first day of classes.

Students less than 22 years of age who meet one of one of the following:

  • 行政协调会新成员
  • Returning to ACC after a break of enrollment for one or more Fall or Spring semesters
  • Transferring for the first time to 艾尔文社区学院
  • Dual enrollment students who are enrolled in any college course taken outside the 高中校园
  • vns7908威尼斯城官网 students who are enrolled in courses longer than 360 hours


扫描和电子邮件 招生@corpshort.com
Note: Immunization records sent via email should be sent in PDF format. 请 不要发送真实的照片. 

建立一个- 100


  • An 艾尔文社区学院 form may be submitted [细菌性脑膜炎表格]
  • The signature or stamp of a physician or his/her designee, or public health personnel on a form which shows the month, day, and year the vaccination dose or booster was 管理
  • An official immunization record generated from a 状态 or local health authority
  • An official record received from school officials, including a record from another 状态


  • 〇出于良心拒绝 Students at 艾尔文社区学院 who wish to decline the vaccination for bacterial meningitis for reasons of conscience may do so by following the instructions below:
  • 只提供网上课程 - Students who wish to enroll only in online courses may obtain a temporary waiver for the current term by contacting the ACC欢迎中心 by phone (281-756-3531), in person, or by email 招生@corpshort.com. Students will be allowed to self-register 在豁免生效后.
  • 22岁及以上学生 - who are 22 years of age or older are exempt
  • 医生放弃 - Students who present an affidavit signed by a licensed physician stating that the vaccination would be injurious to the health or well-being of the student are temporarily waived for one term as per the physician's directive. 学生可以要求此豁免 by presenting the signed affidavit to the ACC欢迎中心.


Bacterial meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely 快. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that cause meningitis can also infect the blood. 这种病发作了 about 3,000 Americans annually, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. 有一种治疗,但那些 survive might develop severe health problems or disabilities.

High fever, Severe headache, Rash or purple patches on skin, Vomiting

Light sensitivity, Stiff neck, Confusion and sleepiness, Nausea, Lethargy, Seizures

There may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots caused by bleeding under the skin. 症状 会发生在身体的任何地方吗. The more symptoms, the higher the risk; seek attention 立即.

Diagnosis is made by a medical provider and is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests.

Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, 等.)或者进来 contact with respiratory or throat secretions.

  • Exposure to saliva by sharing cigarettes, water bottles, eating utensils, food, kissing, 等.
  • Living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home).

  • 死亡(8至24小时内)
  • 永久性脑损伤
  • 肾功能衰竭
  • 学习障碍
  • 听力损失、失明
  • Limb damage (fingers, toes, arms, legs) that requires amputation
  • 坏疽
  • 昏迷
  • 抽搐

Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and chances of recovery are 增加. Vaccinations are available and should be considered for:

  • 住在狭小空间里的人
  • College students under 30 years of age
  • Vaccinations are effective against 4 of the 5 most common bacterial types that cause 在美国,有70%的人患有这种疾病.S. (but does not protect against all types of meningitis).
  • Vaccinations take 10 days to become effective, with protection lasting 5 years.
  • The cost of vaccine varies- check with a health care provider.
  • The vaccination is very safe — the most common side effects are redness and minor pain at injection site for up to two days.

Vaccines are available at the following locations:

1111 W. Adoue圣.

CVS’s, Walgreens, private physicians and other clinics.